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Building a Unify Vision System for Diverse Perception

16 May
Thursday, 05/16/2024 3:00pm to 5:00pm
LGRC A302 and Zoom
PhD Dissertation Proposal Defense
Speaker: Zitian Chen

Vision perception involves a range of functions to process diverse forms of perception. This also requires a high-level understanding of the relation and intrinsic among various types of visual data. For instance, autonomous driving encompasses a coordinated interplay between lane detection, tracking of humans and vehicles, recognition of traffic signs, and more. In this talk, I will explore methods for efficiently harnessing insights from different perceptions to build an integrated AI vision system. Additionally, I will review my efforts in integrating various forms of visual supervision and joint training a deep-learning model for all tasks. This integrated system can be enhanced by delving into the scaling law in large-scale vision joint training.

Advisor: Erik Learned-Miller


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