Faculty Recruiting Support CICS

Data Science for the Common Good (DS4CG) Poster Session

18 Sep
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Wednesday, 09/18/2024 11:00am to 1:00pm
CS 150/151
Special Event

Data Science for the Common Good (DS4CG) is a summer program that trains aspiring data scientists to work on real-world problems that benefit the common good. Join the 2024 cohort of DS4CG fellows for lunch and a poster session where you will get to learn about each project directly from students.

DS4CG 2024 Projects:

  • Media Cloud
    Media Cloud is an open source media analysis platform with features that were designed for aggregation, analysis, delivery, and visualization of news sources and articles, providing insights into complex questions about media. This team aimed to leverage their' NPL expertise to improve ways to study news, journalism, and social media across different languages and cultures.
  • iNaturalist 
    iNaturalist enables people to record and share observations of nature, such as occurrences of any living organisms, with other users. This team worked to improve Geomodels that predict species' geographic ranges and deploy them in a way that is easy-to-use for biologists, ecologists, and citizen scientists
  • Doctors Without Borders
    Doctors Without Borders delivers emergency medical aid to people in crisis, with humanitarian projects in more than 70 countries. This team of DS4CG students explored how artificial intelligence tools such as computer vision, optical character recognition, and semantic search can aid in data collection from clinics and hospitals, assisted improving data entry quality, and helped remove obstacles to data entry.


RSVP is requested, but not required; however, we ask that you please RSVP so that we make sure to order enough food. Lunch will be provided.

RSVP here