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News & Events

March 24, 2015
Things were very different on campus when Professor Robert Moll began teaching in the 1970s. In the Campus Center, for example, instead of clusters of tables with laptops like are seen today, there were rows of pinball machines. It was at the "... more
March 23, 2015
During his first month on the job at NSF as Assistant Director of CISE, Jim Kurose, CS Distinguished Professor, testified before the Subcommittee on Research and Technology for the Science, Space, and Technology Committee of the U.S. House of... more
March 22, 2015
Four UMass Amherst computer science doctoral students received prestigious fellowships from Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and NASA.John Vilk was chosen for a 2015-2016 Facebook Fellowship, one of only 11 Ph.D student winners in the U.S. and Europe.... more
March 19, 2015
Professor Robert Moll retired this past December, after spending more than forty years on the UMass Amherst Computer Science faculty. He arrived with a full black beard from MIT in the fall of 1973, after completing a doctorate in theoretical... more
Training computers to generate 3D shapes
March 19, 2015
Figure 1: User interface for creating and exploring virtual creatures by specifying semantic attributes reflecting high-level design intent. 
March 18, 2015
In October, the School of Computer Science welcomed CS alumni and friends to a social event held at Amazon's Cambridge, MA facility. The event was at capacity with 150 registered to attend. CS Chair Lori Clarke welcomed attendees and provided a... more
March 18, 2015
EMC Corporation established an undergraduate scholarship this year, and continued funding the EMC Student Participation Awards. The 2015 recipients of the EMC Award for Outstanding Achievement as a Sophomore are Maya Bergandy and Karl Schmeckpeper.... more
March 18, 2015
Professor Shlomo Zilberstein has embarked on a National Science Foundation-funded project to explore the planning and challenges involved in automated planning for semi-autonomous systems. On this four-year NSF grant, he is working with Professor... more
March 18, 2015
Faculty NewsProfessor Andrew McCallum was an invited speaker at the 2014 Workshop on Automated Knowledge Base Construction (AKBC). He and co-authors received Outstanding Paper Awards at AKBC 2014 for their papers "Knowledge Base Completion using... more
March 17, 2015
Since 2008, Cisco Systems has provided undergraduate scholarships to students within the School of CS. The recipients of the 2015 Cisco Systems Awards for Outstanding Achievement as a Junior Undergraduate are Batkhuyag Batsaikhan, Anna Deng, Molly... more
March 17, 2015
CS students attended the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (GHC) in October, joining nearly 8,000 women at the event held in Phoenix, AZ. Yahoo! provided travel support for some of the students to attend the conference. GHC Attendees... more
March 16, 2015
Recent Computer Science Ph.D. graduates (September 2014)John Altidor; Subtyping with Generics: A Unified Approach; Yannis Smaragdakis, Advisor; Sept. 2014; Researcher, BBN Technologies
March 10, 2015
Emeritus Professor Leon J. Osterweil retired in May 2014 after 21 years of service at UMass Amherst. Through a post-retirement appointment, Osterweil continues to co-direct the Laboratory for Advanced Software Engineering Research (LASER) within the... more
March 10, 2015
On October 30th, 2014, the UMass Amherst School of Computer Science held an Industrial Affiliates Program Day with a Research Review and Career/Internship Fair. During the morning research review, attended by industrial affiliate partners and CS... more
January 15, 2015
The UMass Amherst campus was selected to house the state-wide Energy Extension Initiative to put clean energy research technologies into practice in the Commonwealth.  The Initiative is led by David Damery (PI), environmental conservationist and... more
January 10, 2015
In October, National Institutes of Health director Dr. Francis Collins announced the National Center of Excellence for Mobile Sensor Data-to-Knowledge (MD2K). Prof. Deepak Ganesan is leading the Sensors-to-Information research area within the MD2K... more
January 05, 2015
In honor of Professor Neil Immerman's 60th birthday, an "ImmermanFest" Workshop was organized as part of the Fifteenth International Workshop on Logic and Computational Complexity (LCC 2014) held in Vienna, Austria.  During the daylong ImmermanFest... more
January 03, 2015
Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst are conducting a pilot project with the Holyoke Gas & Electric Co. that will show the utility and its customers how smart electric meters can save money and power. 
January 03, 2015
More than 200 young women from 30 high schools in Massachusetts and the region attended the Engineering and Computing Career Day Conference held on campus on Oct. 27th, 2014. The program aims to inspire and encourage female high school students to... more
December 29, 2014
CS Professors Donald Towsley and Ramesh Sitaraman, with ECE Professor Christopher Hollot and CS alum Zhi-Li Zhang (Ph.D. '97; now Prof. at Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities), are collaborating on a National Science Foundation-funded Internet content... more
December 01, 2014
Thank you to everyone who has given to the School of Computer Science in support of our students and faculty on #GivingTuesday! We appreciate your generosity and hope that the CS community's giving will benefit everyone in the School who needs help... more
December 01, 2014
On November 13 through 17, three graduate students from the UMass Amherst School of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering Department won the $5,000 first prize in the Juniper/Comcast Northeast Division Hackathon. The winning team... more
November 06, 2014
The First Annual UMass Cognitive Science Workshop was held on Thursday, November 13, 2014 from 2:00 to 5:30 p.m. in the School of Computer Science, CS Building, Rooms 150/151.The Workshop was organized to gather a cross-disciplinary group together... more
September 26, 2014
We are pleased to announce that four new tenure-track faculty joined our School of Computer Science this Fall as Assistant Professors. Amir Houmansadr, Subhransu Maji, Brendan O'Connor, and Barna Saha joined the School in September 2014.  The new... more
September 25, 2014
From the NSF press release 14-127 (http://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=132794): The National Science Foundation (NSF) has selected University of Massachusetts (UMass) Amherst Professor James F. Kurose to serve as assistant director (AD)... more
September 14, 2014
The UMass Amherst College of Computer and Information Sciences is pleased to invite you to our annual New England Networking Evening.  Learn more about the new college, reconnect with professors and friends, and expand your professional network.... more
September 10, 2014
On Thursday, October 30, 2014, the UMass Amherst School of Computer Science will hold an Industrial Affiliates Program Day with a Research Review and Career/Internship Fair. During the morning Research Review, CS Faculty will discuss some of the... more
September 09, 2014
The Summer 2014 Significant Bits newsletter is now available.  View now. Alums and friends should receive this issue in the mail by late September. If you would like to be added to the mailing list for the print version, send email to bits@cs.umass.... more
August 30, 2014
Computer Science undergraduate enrollment is skyrocketing. The figure below shows CS Amherst enrollments since we first introduced the undergraduate program. This graph is similar to the national trends over this same period of time. Some people... more
Prof. Andrew McGregor
August 29, 2014
August 11, 2014
Between July 8th and 15th, the School of Computer Science hosted ten rising 8th graders for a five-day workshop as part of the Girls Inc. of Holyoke Eureka! program. Eureka! is a national Girls Inc. initiative that brings girls onto college and... more
August 11, 2014
The CS Community Drive was launched during our 50th anniversary celebration last fall. The friends and alumni of the School of CS have stepped up to help us achieve our goals, but we can still use your help. CS still needs to gather many more alumni... more
August 09, 2014
Assistant Professor Benjamin Marlin served as the general co-chair of the symposium on Meaningful Use of Complex Medical Data (MUCMD) held on Aug 7-8 at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. The symposium, founded in 2011, brings together machine... more
August 07, 2014
Gordon Anderson joins the CS faculty this fall as a Lecturer. Anderson's computer education and software engineering research interests include educational applications, biological computation models, and psychological and philosophical aspects of... more
August 01, 2014
Faculty NewsEmery Berger was promoted to full Professor and Andrew McGregor was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.
August 01, 2014
Daniel Stubbs (BS '14) received a 2014 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship. Stubbs, who also received the Computing Research Association 2014 Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award, is pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer... more
July 30, 2014
CS Alumnus Rajesh Jha ('90 MS) and his wife, Sudha Mishra, have stepped forward with a donation to create a scholarship in Professor Lori A. Clarke's honor. Once it is fully funded, the Lori A. Clarke Scholarship in Computer Sciencewill be awarded... more
July 30, 2014
As a tribute to Distinguished Professor James "Jim" Kurose's many outstanding, and on-going, contributions to both the UMass Amherst CS community and the field of computer science, alumnus Steve Vinter ('85) has established the James Kurose... more
July 24, 2014
ACM (The Association for Computing Machinery) announced the election of Alexander L. Wolf (Ph.D. '85) as ACM President for a two-year term beginning July 1.
July 23, 2014
The UMass Amherst School of Computer Science hosted our very first alumni organized meet-up for UMass Amherst CS alums (and current student interns) at Google's Mountain View, CA facility. It was great to see so many of our alums at the event, over... more
July 23, 2014
Professor Emery Berger and members of his PLASMA research lab were well-represented in the list of award recipients at the 35th annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2014).
July 20, 2014
Professor Sridhar Mahadevan has been elected a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) "for significant contributions to the field of machine learning including pioneering work in robot learning and... more
July 19, 2014
Assistant Professor Benjamin Marlin received a five-year National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award for the project "Machine Learning for Complex Health Data Analytics." Marlin's CAREER award research will... more
July 14, 2014
Jane Fountain, Distinguished Professor in political science and public policy, was named to the "Top Federal 100" by Federal Computer Week. She is one of only two academics to make the list of leaders from government, industry and academia who had... more
July 10, 2014
Nearly 40 middle school students gathered at the School of Computer Science during spring 2014 to build and program robots in an all-girl team environment. The event, Girls Connect, introduced girls to LEGO Mindstorms robot building and programming... more
July 01, 2014
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus Arnold (Arny) Rosenberg retired from UMass Amherst CS in 2007, but that does not mean that he has slowed down in private life or in research. This year, he and his wife Susan celebrated 50 years of... more
July 01, 2014
Elif Aktolga; Integrating Non-Topical Aspects into Information Retrieval; (James Allan, Advisor); May 2014; Research Engineer, Apple
June 30, 2014
Congratulations to our Computer Science students who are on the Spring 2014 Dean's List and those who are recognized for their outstanding performance in the CS classroom during the Spring 2014 semester. View lists.
June 30, 2014
We are pleased to announce that Jody Daniels (Ph.D. '97) received the 2014 campus Distinguished Alumni Service Award at the Massachusetts State House in April 2014. According to the Alumni Association, the Distinguished Alumni Award is the highest... more
June 13, 2014
Associate Professor Ramesh Sitaraman was presented with the 2014 College of Natural Sciences Outstanding Teacher Award during the 2014 CNS Faculty and Staff Awards Reception held in May. The purpose of the award is to recognize excellence in... more
June 08, 2014
In June, Professor Leon Osterweil accepted the 2014 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Service Award "for promoting and expanding the field of software engineering through visionary leadership of the Impact Project and for bringing the community to China,... more
June 04, 2014
Professor Andrew McCallum is a recipient of a 2014 Yahoo! Faculty Research and Engagement Program (FREP) Award.  McCallum received the award for his work on "Knowledge Base Augmentation of Entities and Relations with Tensor Factorization."
May 30, 2014
Assistant Professor Yuriy Brun has received one of twelve 2014 Microsoft Research Awards from the Software Engineering Innovation Foundation (SEIF), which support academic research in software engineering technologies, tools, practices, and teaching... more
May 23, 2014
Professor Andrew McCallum is a 2014-2015 UMass Amherst Samuel F. Conti Faculty Fellowship Award Recipient, one of three chosen from the UMass Amherst campus. As a Conti Fellow, McCallum receives a year's leave of absence to concentrate on activities... more
May 22, 2014
The Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society named Distinguished Professor Bruce Croft as a recipient of its 2014 Technical Achievement Award for "outstanding contributions to information retrieval and the... more
May 22, 2014
Akshat Kumar (Ph.D. '13) was selected as the winner of the ICAPS (International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling) 2014 Best Dissertation Award. His dissertation "Exploiting Domain Structure in Multiagent Decision-Theoretic Planning... more
May 19, 2014
Tung Pham, a CS undergrad and Commonwealth Honors College student, who works with Professors Tim Richards and Rick Adrion, has recently received the Barbara B. Burn Memorial Scholarship. Dr. Barbara B. Burn founded the International Programs Office... more
May 02, 2014
The Sixth Annual Outstanding Achievement and Advocacy Awards ceremony was held on May 2, 2014. View OAA 2014 site for details on this year's recipients.
March 06, 2014
The Winter 2014 Significant Bits newsletter is now available.  View now. Alums and friends should receive this issue in the mail by mid March. If you would like to be added to the mailing list for the print version, send email to bits@cs.umass.edu.
March 05, 2014
From the Chair
March 04, 2014
The following students have been named 2014 EMC Student Participation Award recipients: Elisabeth Baseman, Shiri Dori-Hacohen, Amanda Gentzel, Chang Liu, Ayse Pinar Ozisik, and Jennie Steshenko. EMC Corporation has established this new award to... more
March 03, 2014
Distinguished Professor Jim Kurose was re-elected to a three-year term on the Computing Research Association (CRA) Board of Directors.More on CRA elections.
March 01, 2014
During the UMass Amherst Faculty Convocation held in September, 2014, Distinguished Professor Bruce Croft was presented with the UMass Amherst 2014 Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Research and Creative Activity. He is one of eight... more
Graphic depicting Prof. Arun Venkataramani's research
February 28, 2014
Mobile devices and apps have seen a phenomenal growth in the last few years and have transformed our daily lives. Today, the number of smartphones alone far exceeds the number of wired computers on the Internet, and Internet traffic from mobile... more
February 05, 2014
Professor Prashant Shenoy's smart-grid research is the feature story on the UMass Amherst Research NEXT site in the story, "Toward a Smarter, Greener Grid."Excerpt:
February 03, 2014
In the Northeast Regional Preliminary Contest of the 2013 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) International Collegiate Programming Competition, the UMass Amherst Computer Science team, "Execution Time," placed first, qualifying them for the... more
February 02, 2014
The Commonwealth Alliance for Information Technology Education (CAITE), and its successor project, the Expanding Computing Education Pathways alliance (ECEP), both National Science Foundation-funded alliances to broaden participation in computing,... more
February 02, 2014
Recent Computer Science Ph.D. graduates Marc-Allen Cartright; Query-Time Optimization Techniques for Structured Queries in Information Retrieval; (James Allan, Advisor); Sept. 2013; Software Engineer, Google, Inc.
February 02, 2014
Colorado State University (CSU) Computer Science Professors Ross Beveridge and Bruce Draper did their Ph.D. work in the UMass Amherst Computer Vision Group, under the joint direction of Professors Ed Riseman and Al Hanson, and both graduated with Ph... more
February 02, 2014
Thanks to generous contributions from CS alum Daniel E. Flynn (BS '87), the John E. and Alice M. Flynn Scholarship was established in 2013 to honor his parents. The Scholarship will provide support to undergraduate students majoring in Computer... more
February 02, 2014
Doctoral student Yunmeng Ban is the recipient of a 2014 Microsoft Research Graduate Women's Scholarship. She is one of ten scholars chosen from 101 applicants. The Microsoft Research Graduate Women's Scholarship is a one-year scholarship program for... more
February 01, 2014
Latest CS research - from microgenetic learning to space explorationA few of the school's many research projects are highlighted below.
February 01, 2014
Faculty NewsAssistant Professors Alexandra Meliou and Andrew McGregor each received a 2013 Google Faculty Research Award for structured data research. Meliou's research project is "Bidirectional Data Cleaning" and McGregor's is "Summarizing and... more
December 21, 2013
Professor Emeritus Andrew Barto was selected as the 2014 recipient of the International Neural Network Society (INNS) Hebb Award "in recognition of long-standing contribution and achievements in biological and computational learning."
December 20, 2013
Assistant Professor Yuriy Brun received a 2013 IEEE TCSC Young Achievers in Scalable Computing Award during the Supercomputing Conference in Denver, CO in November.  According to IEEE, the  award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding,... more
December 19, 2013
Using a computational model of addiction, a literature review and an in silico experiment, theoretical computer scientist Yariv Levy (Ph.D. '13) and colleagues suggest in a new paper this week that rehabilitation strategies coupling meditation-like... more
November 08, 2013
The Institute for Computational Biology, Biostatistics, and Bioinformatics (ICB3) has awarded two top prizes of $4,500 in its 2013 Open Source Software Innovation competition. CS Postdoc Laura Dietz is on the winning team and CS Assoc. Prof. Deepak... more
November 07, 2013
Distinguished Professor Jim Kurose is one of four faculty chosen for the 2013-2014 UMass Amherst Distinguished Faculty Lecture Series.On April 9, 2014, Kurose will speak on "Design and Analysis of a Content-oriented Internet." He will present an... more
October 29, 2013
Online video is a "killer application" of the Internet, predicted to soon make up 86 percent of consumer traffic on the web, says Associate Professor Ramesh Sitaraman. But advertisers who want to capitalize on it face a huge question: How effective... more
October 24, 2013
UKeiG (U.K. eInformation Group) announced that Professor W Bruce Croft is the 2013 winner of the Tony Kent Strix Award which was presented at the Internet Librarian International (ILI 2013) in London on October 16.The Tony Kent Strix Award is... more
October 24, 2013
During the School of Computer Science's celebration dinner on Friday, October 18, Massachusetts Senator Stanley Rosenberg presented School Chair Lori Clarke will a citation from the Massachusetts Senate "in Recognition of:  The Celebration of the... more
October 23, 2013
CS Prof. Emery Berger's and CS Adjunct Prof. Scott Kaplan's (Amherst College faculty) research is included in Apple's new operating system, Mavericks.  According to the news release, "their contributions will significantly improve performance and... more
October 17, 2013
Celebrating the School of Computer Science: Broadening the Impact of Computing October 17-19, 2013 Full Schedule of events at:  http://www.cs.umass.edu/SCScelebration Exciting events are planned for October 17-19, 2013 (during the campus Homecoming... more
October 01, 2013
The Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) has become the first university research data center to receive a LEED(r) Platinum certification, the highest green building ranking. The MGHPCC is also one of only 13 data centers... more
August 22, 2013
The Summer 2013 Significant Bits newsletter is now available.  View now. Alums and friends should receive this issue in the mail by the end of August. If you would like to be added to the mailing list for the print version, send email to bits@cs.... more
August 21, 2013
Lori A. Clarke, Professor and CS Chair
August 21, 2013
Arjun Guha joins the school this fall as an Assistant Professor, where he will co-lead the PLASMA (Programming Languages And Systems at MAssachusetts) group. Guha conducts research in programming languages and enjoys applying his work to other... more
August 20, 2013
The School of Computer Science is expanding its undergraduate offerings to include an emphasis on  Informatics. Informatics involves the study of computational principles as they apply to other disciplines.  Initially the Informatics program will  ... more
Graphic depicting Prof. Rui Wang's research
August 20, 2013
Advances in visual computing, particularly in computer-generated imagery, have profoundly changed the way we express ideas, create content, exchange information, and interact with machines. Today, visual computing is an indispensable component of... more
August 20, 2013
To recognize their remarkable accomplishments of graduates of the Department's degree programs and to acknowledge the support of important friends of the department, the Department established the University of Massachusetts Amherst Computer Science... more
August 19, 2013
President Barack Obama's office recently named Research Professor Beverly Woolf a Presidential Innovation Fellow (PIF) for 2013, recognizing her leadership in designing software tutors that respond to a student's mood and personal learning pace, for... more
August 19, 2013
The School of CS has an active industrial affiliates program (IAP). Some IAP activities are highlighted below. Cisco Systems, Inc.
August 19, 2013
Professor Brian Levine, Research Scientist Marc Liberatore, and researchers within the Center for Forensics continue their work on forensic analysis to directly assist law enforcement agencies that investigate network trafficking of images of child... more
August 19, 2013
NSF Graduate Research Fellowships Tiffany Liu received a 2013 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship. Liu is in her second year in the UMass Amherst CS doctoral program. She graduated from Smith College with a B.S. in... more
August 19, 2013
The School is pleased to announce that two endowed scholarships have been established, thanks to generous contributions from our CS alums.  The Jim Gray Scholarship in Computer Science This scholarship was established in 2013 by CS alum Hanuma... more
August 18, 2013
Faculty News Professor Andrew McCallum was elected as the next President of the International Machine Learning Society (IMLS), the parent organization of the ICML conference. His three-year term will begin in 2014.Elisha Rosensweig, (CS Ph.D. '12),... more
August 18, 2013
Recent Computer Science Ph.D. graduates (AY 2012-2013) Michael Bendersky; Information Retrieval with Query Hypergraphs; (W. Bruce Croft, Advisor); Sept. 2012; Software Engineer, Google, Inc.
