Faculty Recruiting Support CICS

Three CICS Faculty Selected to Receive 2024 UMass Interdisciplinary Research Grants

Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences (CICS) faculty Anna Green, Brendan O’Connor, and Don Towsley will serve as team leads on three of the ten proposals supported by 2024 Interdisciplinary Research Grants. 

In collaboration with the Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement and campus deans, the UMass Amherst Office of the Provost provides Interdisciplinary Research Grants totaling up to $600,000 to support interdisciplinary activities at UMass Amherst. The grants aim to encourage creativity, foster equitable collaborations, and attract external funding and other forms of recognition across our colleges and schools; they are offered in two categories, up to $20,000 or up to $50,000. 

Interdisciplinary Research Grants are available to teams of faculty members and librarians from at least two schools or colleges within the university. Each team's proposed project is expected to represent a new direction or aspect of interdisciplinary collaboration, align with one of the themes of interdisciplinary excellence, and lead to significant and tangible outcomes that support continued momentum. 

The 2024 Interdisciplinary Research Grant projects with CICS team leads are:  

Forecasting Antibiotic Resistance Using Biophysics and Machine Learning 
- Anna Green, Assistant Professor, Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences 
- Jianhan Chen, Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences 
- Lulu Kang, Mathematics and Statistics, College of Natural Sciences 

Leveraging Large Language Models to Provide Clinically Feasible Tools for Assessing Discourse in Individuals with Communication Impairments 
- Jacquie Kurland, Speech, Language, and Hearing Science, School of Public Health & Health Sciences 
- Anna Liu, Mathematics and Statistics, College of Natural Sciences  
- Brendan O'Connor, Associate Professor, Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences 

Ultrafast Quantum Networks for Utility-scale Quantum Information Processing 
- Rajveer Nehra, Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering 
- Don Towsley, Distinguished Professor, Director of the Quantum Information Systems Institute, Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences    

View all of the 2024 Interdisciplinary Research Grant Projects and Team Leads.