CICS Undergraduate Program Rule Changes in Response to COVID-19
On February 1, 2021, the University notified undergraduate students that the Pass/Fail grading accommodations from Fall 2020 were being partially extended to the Spring 2021 semester. Specifically, undergraduate students may take up to three classes Pass/Fail in Spring 2021 and courses taken Pass/Fail will count for major credit. However, each department or major may, if it so chooses, use the underlying letter grades (i.e., the initially-reported letter grades) in prerequisite courses that are taken pass/fail in Spring 2021 to enforce the minimum grade requirement specified for registering, or staying registered, in a later course or for entering the particular major. This FAQ indicates the Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences' policies for courses taken in Spring 2021.
Can a CS Applicant elect Pass/Fail on courses taken during Spring 2021?
For the Spring 2021 semester, CS major applicants may elect Pass/Fail grading on up to three courses including contract and/or predictor courses needed for entry to the CS major.
Can a CS Applicant drop below 12 letter-graded credits during Spring 2021?
For the Spring 2021 semester, the minimum of 12 letter-graded credits is waived. Students will need to complete 12 credits, but can use as many elective Pass/Fail credits as permitted.
Will a grade of P earned in Spring 2021 satisfy contract and predictor course grade requirements?
In Spring 2021, P grades earned in MATH 132 and COMPSCI 187, 220, 230, 240, and 250 will only satisfy admission criteria if the underlying letter grade is C- or higher. P grades earned in other courses will satisfy admission criteria regardless of the underlying grade. Normal admission grade requirements will apply for courses that are not taken Pass/Fail. See the CS major admission requirements here.
Will P grades earned in Spring 2021 count towards the CS major if an applicant seeks admission in Spring 2021 or in a later semester?
P grades earned in CS courses in Spring 2021 will count for major credit in the CS program. However, the letter grades underlying P grades earned in Spring 2021 must meet higher thresholds in order to use the course to satisfy prerequisite requirements, as described in the next section. The same requirements apply to CS majors.
Will an application submitted in Spring 2021 count toward the number of application opportunities a student is eligible for?
For students who submit an application to join the CS major in Spring 2021 and are not successful, the Spring 2021 semester will count toward the limit of 2 total application opportunities.
What is the deadline for requesting Pass/Fail grading in spring 2021?
The deadline to elect Pass/Fail is Tuesday, May 4th 2021.
How do I request Pass/Fail grading?
Undergraduate students can request Pass/Fail grading on Spire.
Who should CS Applicants contact for more information about these rule changes?
CS applicants should contact for more information. For general advising, please contact the CICS Advising Office at or 413-545-4822.
Can undergraduate students elect Pass/Fail on computer science or informatics undergraduate course during Spring 2021?
For the Spring 2021 semester, students may elect Pass/Fail grading on up to three courses, including undergraduate courses that were previously letter-graded only.
Will a P (Pass) grade in a course taken during Spring 2021 be accepted as meeting the prerequisite requirement for a later CICS undergraduate course?
For students who elect Pass/Fail grading on a Spring 2021 course that is a prerequisite for another CICS course, updated grade thresholds must be met as follows:
- For COMPSCI 121 taken Pass/Fail in Spring 2021, an underlying letter grade of C- or better is required to use the course as a prerequisite for COMPSCI 186 in a later semester.
- For COMPSCI 121 taken Pass/Fail in Spring 2021, an underlying letter grade of B- or better is required to use the course as a prerequisite for COMPSCI 187 in a later semester.
- For all other COMPSCI and Informatics courses taken in a later semester, all prerequisites taken Pass/Fail in Spring 2021 must have an underlying grade of C- or better. This includes prerequisite courses taken in other departments.
Students who believe that they can demonstrate the necessary mastery of prerequisite course material, despite not having met the required grade threshold in a Spring 2021 course as noted above, can contact an advisor in the CICS Advising Office to discuss options.
Will a P (Pass) grade in a course taken during Spring 2021 be accepted as satisfying a CS or Informatics major requirement?
For students who elect Pass/Fail grading on a course taken in Spring 2021 that satisfies a CS or Informatics major requirement, a grade of P (pass) will be accepted as satisfying that major requirement, regardless of when the student completes their major. However, as described above, the course will not be eligible for use as a prerequisite unless a higher grade threshold is met.
Will a P (Pass) grade in a course taken during Spring 2021 be accepted as satisfying a CS minor requirement?
For students who elect Pass/Fail grading on a course taken in Spring 2021 that satisfies a CS minor requirement, a grade of P (pass) will be accepted as satisfying that minor requirement, regardless of when the student completes their minor. However, as described above, the course will not be eligible for use as a prerequisite unless a higher grade threshold is met.
Can a P (Pass) grade in a 500-level course taken during Spring 2021 be transferred into the CS graduate program?
If a 500-level course taken during Spring or Fall 2020 would normally be transferrable into the CS graduate program, it can be transferred with a P (pass) grade so long as the underlying letter grade is a C or above. This is due to the fact that a graduate SAT grade corresponds to a C or higher.
Will a P (Pass) grade in a course taken during Spring 2021 be accepted as satisfying a CS or Informatics Departmental Honors Course requirement?
For students who elect Pass/Fail grading on a course taken in Spring 2021 that satisfies a CS or Informatics departmental honors requirement, a grade of P (pass) will be accepted as satisfying that requirement, regardless of when the student completes the honors program.
What grade do I need to earn to pass a course taken under Pass/Fail grading?
A letter grade of D or higher corresponds to a pass for an undergraduate course. However, as described above, the course will not be eligible for use as a prerequisite in later courses unless a higher grade threshold is met.
Is Pass/Fail grading available for graduate-level courses?
Students can elect Pass/Fail grading in 500-level CS courses on Spire. For 600+ level courses, Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading is available by arrangement with the instructor. A grade of SAT in a graduate course is similar to a P in an undergraduate course.
Will not passing a Pass/Fail course affect my GPA?
As in all semesters, an F (fail) grade earned in a Spring 2021 course taken Pass/Fail will result in an F on your transcript and will be reflected in your GPA. Not earning an SAT in a 600-level course taken under Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading will also result in an F on your transcript and will be reflected in your GPA.
What is the deadline for requesting Pass/Fail grading in Spring 2021?
The deadline to elect Pass/Fail will be Tuesday, May 4, 2021. Undergraduates enrolled in 600 and higher level courses must make arrangements with their instructor to receive a SAT instead of a letter grade.
If I change my mind later, can I switch back to a letter grade?
Undergraduate students can revoke a P grade at any time during their degree and up to six months after degree completion.
Can I use Pass (P) grades to gain entry to the Bay State Masters Programs?
- Bay State Master: The requirements to qualify for the level of a Bay State Master Scholarship are a minimum grade of a B+ in COMPSCI 311 and a 3.4 GPA. A "Pass" grade will not be accepted for COMPSCI 311.
- Bay State Scholar: The requirements to qualify for the level of a Bay State Scholarship are a minimum grade of a B+ in COMPSCI 311, a 3.6 GPA, and an advanced math course with a minimum grade of a B. Please see our webpage for a list of acceptable math courses. A "Pass" grade will not be accepted for either COMPSCI 311 or the math course.
- Bay State Fellow: The requirements to qualify for the level of a Bay State Fellow Scholarship are a minimum grade of a B+ in COMPSCI 311, a 3.7 GPA, an advanced math course with a minimum grade of a B, and a one semester independent study such as an honors project. A "Pass" grade will not be accepted for COMPSCI 311 and the math course. However, the independent study can have a Pass" grade for the Spring 2021 semester enrollment.
How do I request Pass/Fail grading?
Undergraduate students can request Pass/Fail grading on Spire for CS courses up to the 500-level. For 600-level and above courses, please contact your instructor to arrange for SAT grading.
Who should CS and Informatics majors contact for more information about these rule changes?
Majors who have additional questions about these program changes can reach out to the CICS Advising Office at or 413-545-4822.
Who should CS minors contact for more information about these rule changes?
CS minors who have additional questions about these program changes can reach out to