Awards Programs

At the Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences, we pride ourselves on fostering a community of excellence, innovation, and dedication. Our faculty, staff, and students are the heart of our college, continually pushing the boundaries of knowledge and making significant contributions to the field of computer science.
Below is a comprehensive list of internal awards that honor the exceptional work, leadership, and commitment demonstrated by members of our community. From groundbreaking research and innovative projects to exemplary teaching and community service, these awards highlight the diverse talents and relentless efforts that drive our college forward.
The CICS Internal Awards Committees will determine awardees based on the submitted nominations and other material it considers appropriate.
Please see below for individual nomination requirements and deadlines.
Outstanding Teacher Award
The College Outstanding Teacher Award (COTA) program was instituted as a complement to the Distinguished Teaching Award and is administered by the Provost's Office and the individual colleges. The purpose of the award is to honor faculty members for their teaching accomplishments at the college level. The awards are given during the spring semester, and recipients are recognized at Undergraduate Commencement. For more information about COTA, please refer to the TEFD guidelines.
The Awards Committee solicits nominations from all CICS undergraduate and graduate students and faculty. The nominations can be emailed to and should include a statement of why the faculty member is deserving of the award, keeping in mind the following criteria: (1) teaching effectiveness and creativity, (2) impact on students, (3) subject mastery and scholarship, and (4) contributions to the teaching mission. Nominations by students are mainly expected to comment on the first three criteria. For more elaboration on the four criteria, please refer to the TEFD guidelines.
Nominations are due by Feb. 22 every year.
The CICS Internal Awards Committee will determine the awardee based on the submitted nominations and other material it considers appropriate. The Awards Committee will include at least one undergraduate and one graduate student in its discussions to determine the awardee. The committee may also confer with the Personnel Committee in its determination.
A CICS faculty member will not be considered eligible to receive this award more than once in any five-year period.
Outstanding Staff Achievement Award
The CICS Outstanding Staff Achievement Award recognizes the contributions of an outstanding staff member or team in the Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences. The award will be given during the spring semester at the CICS all-staff meeting and will carry a cash prize. If a team is selected for the award, the reward will be split equally among the recipients.
Eligible CICS staff are defined as classified, professional, or non-unit employees who are not faculty, postdocs, graduate students, or temporary employees. Staff directors and executive directors are not eligible for this award. Staff must have at least one year of service in the college, and in general, length of service with the college may be considered when evaluating nominees. An eligible "team" consists of a group of staff who either collaborated closely on one or more specific projects or share similar general responsibilities. A CICS staff member is not eligible to receive this award more than once in five years unless awarded as part of a team. A CICS staff member is not eligible if they have received, or have been scheduled to receive, a cash award (excluding spot bonuses) from any non-CICS university employee recognition program within the past year.
Any CICS member (faculty, staff, students) can nominate a CICS staff member or CICS team for the award. Self-nominations are also permitted. The nomination should include a statement no longer than two pages on why the nominee deserves to receive the award and a list of up to three additional people in a position to comment on the nominee's work.
Nominations must be submitted via the nomination form.
The CICS Internal Awards Committee will determine the awardee based on the submitted nominations. The committee will include at least two appointed staff members, at least one of whom will be someone who received the award the previous year, in its discussions to determine the awardee. The committee may solicit additional feedback from the nominator, listed references, or other sources as it deems appropriate. The evaluation criteria for this award include, but are not limited to, making an impact on CICS through one or more of these areas:
- Outstanding work on a sustained basis
- Outstanding work on a major project or initiative
- Creating a positive work environment while performing duties with integrity and dedication
- Fostering collaboration within the workplace
- Improving a current process or creating or implementing a new process with a significant impact
- Growth in areas of responsibility
Individuals and members of teams have the right to decline their nomination. If declined, an alternate awardee may be chosen by the committee.
Staff Spot Bonuses
During the course of the year, a staff member may receive recognition from their manager, another manager, or a peer and, in doing so, receive a gift card for a token amount of $25. If you desire to recognize someone with a gift card, please submit a brief rationale to indicating the activity above and beyond current responsibilities for which the person is being recognized. The Awards Committee, along with the chair, will evaluate the nomination for approval. Approved spot bonus awards will be announced at regular faculty meetings.
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
The CICS Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award recognizes excellence in work done by individuals assisting with course instruction in the Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences. The award will be given at the first CICS faculty meeting in September each year.
Anyone who has been a full-time or part-time Teaching Assistant, Teaching Associate, or Graduate Grader for a course offered through CICS in the most recently completed academic year is eligible.
Any CICS faculty member who has taught an eligible course or any UMass student enrolled in an eligible course can nominate a TA, TO, or Grader for that course for this award. A TA, TO, or Grader for an eligible course can also nominate a peer for that course. Self-nominations are not permitted. The nomination should include the course name or number and a thoughtful statement (no longer than two pages) on why the nominee's performance of duties was outstanding. Nominations by faculty should include the number of hours of appointment and the expected duties of the nominee in assisting with the course. Nominations noting a history of excellence across more than one course offering or across different courses by the nominee are also welcome. Nominations noting how the nominee went above and beyond their assigned duties will carry particular weight but are not necessary.
Nominations should be sent to Eileen Hamel by June 1 for the immediately preceding academic year.
The Graduate Awards Committee will determine the awardee based on submitted nominations. The committee may solicit additional information from other sources as deemed necessary to help with the evaluation. The committee typically expects to select two awardees per academic year.
Outstanding Synthesis Project Award
The CICS Outstanding Synthesis Project Award recognizes a PhD Synthesis Project that a CICS faculty reader nominates for excellence. The award will be given at the first CICS faculty meeting in September each year for a synthesis project submitted in the most recently completed academic year.
Any CICS faculty member who was a reader on a Synthesis Project can nominate a PhD student for this award. Nominations should be sent to Eileen Hamel by June 1 for the immediately preceding academic year.
The Graduate Awards Committee will determine the awardees based on submitted nominations. The committee may solicit additional information from other sources as deemed necessary to help with the evaluation. The committee typically expects to select two awardees per academic year.
Outstanding Leadership for the Common Good Award
The CICS Outstanding Leadership for the Common Good Award recognizes a student who has engaged in a project that has positively impacted the CICS community, university community, or beyond. The demonstration of leadership can vary widely.
Eligible graduate students at CICS must be in good academic standing and have not previously won this award with substantial documented work that has benefited a deserving group in the community.
Nominations for this award can be initiated by anyone in the community and requires the following:
- CV
- A narrative response written by the nominee describing the specific contributions made to the CICS community or greater community. Be sure to explain the leadership exemplified in the project.
- Two letters of recommendation:
- One letter from someone who can speak to the student's general leadership ability. This can be the faculty advisor or someone outside of CICS.
- One letter from someone other than the nominee who can speak to the leadership qualities of the nominee and the impact of the project on the particular community.
The Graduate Awards Committee will determine the awardee based on submitted nominations. The committee may solicit additional information from other sources as deemed necessary to help with the evaluation. The committee will select one awardee per academic year. Nominations should be sent to Eileen Hamel by June 1 for the immediately preceding year.
Outstanding Dissertation Award
The CICS Outstanding Dissertation Award recognizes superior and original research and writing completed by a doctoral student at the Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences. Submissions are reviewed for significant contributions to the field of computer science and superior writing. The award will be given at the first CICS faculty meeting in September each year.
Eligibility: Doctoral students who successfully defended a dissertation between Oct. 1 and Sept. 30.
Nomination statements must be made by the doctoral student advisor and should provide substantial justification, including the significance of the research. The advisor should also specify whether they wish to nominate their student for the ACM Dissertation Award.
Nominations for the college and ACM awards are due Oct. 1 and should be sent to Eileen Hamel.