Teaching Seminar: Kaki Ryan, Abstract Syntax Trees
In this lesson, we will dive into Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs), a fundamental concept in systems programming! ASTs are hierarchical data structures that represent the logical structure of a program. We'll explore how ASTs are constructed and walk through their use in the context of program compilation and execution. This lesson is tailored for an introductory systems programming course, aiming to demystify ASTs and show their practical relevance in tools like compilers and interpreters.
Kaki Ryan is a fifth-year Ph.D. student in the hardware security group at UNC Chapel Hill. She is advised by Dr. Cynthia Sturton, and her research is focused on developing methods using symbolic execution for the security verification of hardware designs. Her work has been presented at FMCAD and DAC and was nominated for a best-paper award at HASP. Kaki has teaching experience in a variety of courses, having served as the instructor of record for courses such as CS1, Data Structures, and Compilers. She is a recipient of UNC's Tanner University Teaching Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching by Graduate Students, as well as the Department's Outstanding TA Award. She received her BS and MS degrees from UNC Chapel Hill.