Adam Lechowicz '22 to Receive UMass Amherst 21st Century Leaders Award

Adam Lechowicz, a graduating senior of the Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences, UMass Amherst (CICS), was recently named one of 10 recipients of the university’s 21st Century Leaders Awards, to be presented at undergraduate commencement on May 13, 2022.
The UMass Amherst 21st Century Leaders Award recognizes the strong academic record and achievement of undergraduate students who enhance the university's reputation by contributing their leadership skills, academic achievements, community service, and artistic or athletic accomplishments.
Lechowicz, of Bridgewater, Mass., is a Commonwealth Honors College student and member of the Phi Beta Kappa honors society finishing a dual major in computer science and political science. He was also one of eight undergraduate students chosen as a Spring 2022 UMass Amherst Rising Researcher, in recognition of his research on the phenomena of opinion polarization and disagreement on social networks using simulation and spectral graph theory. He was also cited by the awards committee for his service as a member of the university’s student government association, his engagement in student efforts to encourage food access and affordability, his advocacy for policies to assist disadvantaged students during the height of the pandemic, and his leadership reviving the student yearbook, The Index, and serving as editor in chief of its 2022 edition.
Lechowicz will continue his computer science studies this fall in the dual master’s and doctoral program at CICS, where he hopes to contribute to research that serves the common good as a professor.