Senior Celebration
We are proud to celebrate the graduates of the Class of 2025.

The Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences (CICS) will host its Senior Celebration on Saturday, May 17, 2025, at 2:30 p.m. in the UMass Amherst Recreation Center.
During Commencement Weekend 2025, there are two separate events for graduates of our undergraduate degree programs and their families: Undergraduate Commencement on Friday, May 16, and the Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences Senior Celebration on Saturday, May 17. We hope you will plan on attending both events to send off the Class of 2025 and celebrate their achievements.
If you have questions about the CICS Senior Celebration, please email commencement [at] cs [dot] umass [dot] edu (commencement[at]cs[dot]umass[dot]edu).
Undergraduate Commencement
Friday, May 16, 5:00 p.m.
McGuirk Alumni Stadium
Undergraduate Commencement is the official graduation ceremony at which degrees are conferred for every graduate on campus.
For more information, see the UMass Amherst Commencement website.
CICS Senior Celebration
Saturday, May 17, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
UMass Amherst Recreation Center
161 Commonwealth Avenue, Amherst, MA 01003 (map)
This ceremony gives graduates the opportunity to be recognized individually by college faculty and administration. Each graduating student's name is read prior to the presentation of a University of Massachusetts medal and a special farewell gift from the college. Graduates' time on stage will be broadcast on large video screens and captured by a professional photographer.
Due to venue capacity limitations, tickets will be required for entry to this year's celebration. Each graduating student will be allotted five (5) tickets for guests. Student registration via Tassel is required by April 22 to obtain guest tickets. For those who cannot attend in person, this year's celebration will be live-streamed and recorded for viewing after the event. For additional information about ticketing, please see the Commencement 2025 website.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the CICS Senior Celebration?
The Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences (CICS) Senior Celebration is a ceremony held following Undergraduate Commencement, providing graduates the opportunity to be recognized individually by college faculty and administration. Each graduating student’s name is read prior to the presentation of a University of Massachusetts medal and a special farewell gift from the college. Graduates’ time on stage will be broadcast on large video screens and captured by a professional photographer.
We encourage seniors and their families to attend both the UMass Amherst Undergraduate Commencement and the CICS Senior Celebration being held on May 17, 2025.
When and where will it be held?
The Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences Senior Celebration will be held at the Recreation Center's Upper Courts (second floor) on Saturday, May 17, 2025, starting at 2:30 p.m. Doors will open at 1:30 p.m.
Graduating seniors should arrive at the Recreation Center promptly at 1:30 p.m. and check-in to Room 118/121 on the lower level, street side of the building, just past the service desk.
Who can participate in the Senior Celebration?
An undergraduate student’s year of graduation is established by the Registrar’s Office. To be eligible to participate in 2025 commencement ceremonies, students must have fulfilled all requirements by the date of the ceremony or be scheduled to do so by September 2025.
Students who are expected to graduate in fall 2025 or spring 2026, but want to walk in May 2025, must contact the Registrar's Office, Diploma and Graduation Services, at no later than March 31, 2025.
Due to space limitations in our venue, secondary majors will not be invited to attend the CICS Senior Celebration.
Do I need to register to attend this year's ceremony?
Graduating students are required to register via Tassel to attend the Commencement Ceremony and the CICS Senior Celebration and receive guest tickets. Registering helps us track attendance and allows graduates to review their name pronunciation to ensure that it is read correctly. Students will receive a link from Tassel that will give them options for the ceremonies they need to register for. Students are required to register by April 22, 2025.
How many guests are allowed for each student? Do they need tickets?
Due to venue capacity limitations, tickets will be required for entry to this year's celebration. Each graduating student will be allotted five (5) tickets for guests. Student registration via Tassel is required by April 22 to obtain guest tickets. For those who cannot attend in person, this year's celebration will be live-streamed and recorded for viewing after the event.
For additional information about ticketing, please see the Commencement 2025 website.
I can't attend in person, will the ceremony be live-streamed and recorded?
The 2025 CICS Senior Celebration will be live-streamed beginning at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 17. A recording of the event will be available after the ceremony.
What should participants and visitors wear?
Graduating students and faculty dress in commencement caps and gowns. Students must arrive in their caps and gowns—caps and gowns will not be available at the Recreation Center.
The Recreation Center is air-conditioned; however, it does get warm. Please dress comfortably.
Where should I park?
Guest parking is available in the Campus Center Parking Garage and in lots adjacent to the Recreation Center and Mullins Center.
PayStation Lot 64, located adjacent to the Recreation Center, will be reserved for disabled patrons only.
I have a disability. Can I request accommodations?
The CICS Senior Celebration will be shown on large screens in the event venue and live captioned. Sign language or oral interpreters are available upon request. Call (413) 545-0892 or send an email to using the subject line “Commencement Interpreter Request.”
Handicapped parking is available in the PayStation Lot 64; turn off Commonwealth Avenue to Hicks Way then take two left turns to circle around the Parks Band Building. Park in the lot just beyond the Northeast corner of the Recreation Center. Elevator access is available in the Recreation Center for guests with mobility issues.
How do I get a Manning CICS graduation cord?
Manning CICS seniors are recognized with a graduation cord to wear at commencement upon a $5 minimum donation to the CICS Senior Gift Campaign. Students will be able to pick up their cords at the Commencement Fair on May 7, during tabling events held in early May, or by contacting Corinne Briggs at More information about the 2025 Senior Gift Campaign is coming soon!
Can I bring my camera?
Yes; however, we ask that all audience members be courteous to each other and refrain from blocking the aisles. There will be professional photographers on hand to take photos of each graduate as they receive their medal and informal shots of graduates and families. The photography company will be in touch with the graduates soon after the ceremony to review and order their official Senior Celebration photo.
Will food be served?
Food will not be served at the Senior Celebration. Check the Commencement 2025 website to learn more about dining options during Commencement weekend.