Transfer Course Equivalencies
Transfer Equivalency Rules for Computer Science and Informatics
CICS transfer course credit policy and procedure is based on University of Massachusetts Academic Regulations Chapter VII, Section P.
Important Rules About Transfer Credits
- Each student must get approval: TCE approvals are required for all courses, regardless of whether they have been approved for other students. A list of previously reviewed transfer course equivalencies is here. Courses from other institutions that have been reviewed and approved by CICS faculty Approved are valid for a two-year period This list is only for reference and to assist with your TCE form submission. Each course submitted by a student is reviewed case-by-case via the TCE process.
- Prerequisites: Approval to take a course outside of UMass Amherst will only be granted if the prerequisites for the UMass-equivalent course are met (e.g., a ‘C’ or better in all required prior courses).
- Grades: Grades of C- or lower are not accepted for courses where the CICS program requires a C or better in the CICS/UMass course.
- Review Major residency requirements: Each major has distinct residency requirements (courses that must be taken at UMass Amherst). Please review these requirements in your major; CICS requirements are listed at the bottom of this webpage for your reference.
- If the above rules are not met, credit will not be applied to your university record. The CICS program will revoke credit incorrectly granted if it discovers courses were transferred without following these instructions.
Requesting Transfer Credit Approval
Steps to Submit Transfer Credit Evaluation (TCE) form.
- Refer to Transfer Equivalencies Excel Doc to see if your proposed course has been reviewed before.
- For courses with valid, non-expired approval submit page 1 of the TCE form only.
- Expired approval or unlisted courses: Submit complete TCE form (both pages).
- Wait for program approval before enrolling in the course, to ensure it is eligible for transfer based on your transcript. If your course is approved, you should then file additional forms as required by university offices:
- Prior Approval Form (PAF): With the Registrar, for taking domestic courses outside UMass.
- Senior Year In Absentia (SYIA): Submit to the CICS Programs Office, for finishing degree requirements elsewhere.
- International Course Approval Form (ICAF): To Study Abroad/Office of Global Affairs for international coursework.
Transfer Limitations for Courses Counting as Upper-Level CS(300+):
- BS Degree: Only 3 transfer courses allowed (5 of 8 must be taken at UMass Amherst).
- BA Degree: Only 2 transfer courses allowed (3 of 5 must be taken at UMass Amherst).
- Five College Courses: Only 1 course can count toward upper-level CS requirements.
Process Timeline & Advising
- Start Early: Current UMass students will need to provide at least two weeks for staff to review and process a request to transfer credit from coursework taken (or planning to take) outside UMass Amherst. Student recently admitted to UMass Amherst in transfer should begin TCE evaluations right after admission to ensure completion before advising and registration.
- Pending Decisions: Avoid enrolling in courses with prerequisites contingent on pending TCE decisions.
Residency Requirement
BS in Computer Science: Five of the eight required upper-level (300+) courses must be taken at UMass Amherst.
BA in Computer Science: At least three of the five Computer Science Electives must be taken at UMass Amherst AND at least five of the nine courses consisting of the five Computer Science electives and the four-course Outside Concentration must be taken at UMass Amherst.
BS in Informatics: At least six of the ten concentration courses must be taken at UMass Amherst. Check with your advisor to confirm that you are meeting requirements.
Transfer courses must meet residency rules. Prerequisites must be completed before approved transfers appear on transcripts.
For questions or assistance, email tce [at] cs [dot] umass [dot] edu (tce[at]cs[dot]umass[dot]edu)