Career Development
How to Write an Effective Computer Science Conference Paper
This talk will include an overview of important aspects of writing computer science conference papers such as process, audience, and revision.
Designing Small Social Media
This workshop will comprise a short introductory lecture, hands-on experience with user testing, and ample time for questions and answers.
Engineering Career Fair Day One
Don't miss out on the opportunity to talk to over 75+ employers each day interested in hiring YOU for full-time, internship, and co-op positions.
Graduate Industry Networking (Virtual Event)
UMass graduate students (MS & PhD) can connect virtually with alumni for insights on how to get internships and jobs at top employers.
Junior Year Writing Seminar: Jessie Cortez, Concision in Technical Writing: Theory and Practice
This teaching demonstration will show an approach to teaching concise writing to students in technical fields.
Career Fair Prep Lab
Join CICS Careers to have your resume reviewed, practice your elevator pitch with our staff, and make a game plan for connecting with Tech Fair employers!
Data Driven Careers VIRTUAL Career Fair
Employers across many industries will be attending looking to connect with students about full-time jobs, co-ops, and/or internships in a data driven career pat
MS Career Fair + Networking Workshop
MS students, learn about networking and application best practices and receive feedback on your job materials from CICS faculty and CICS Careers in real time!
Rapid Resume Review
Join CICS Careers for a quick review of your resume. Drop in at any time and get career fair ready in no time!
Amherst Area Employers Internship Fair
On-campus and local off-campus positions, work study available, opportunities for all majors!
Career Chat with Alum Larry Pizette
🎤Join Larry Pizette, a CICS alum, who has led teams at Amazon, MITRE, startups and in the public sector.
Isenberg School of Management Career Day - Day 1
Isenberg Career Day 2024 - Day 1 will take place on Tuesday, September 24th from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Campus Center Auditorium at UMass Amherst.