
Who should attend?

Any student looking for a full-time job or summer internship. Most employers are looking for students ready to start a full-time job, and some have open summer internship opportunities. The employers represent a wide variety of industries, ranging from business, tech, healthcare, non-profit, public service and more.

No matter your major, there will be employers at the Career Fair recruiting for you!

How can we promise that?

Over 2/3 of the employers attending Get Hired recruit from any major.

Really? Why?

Many employers use a strengths-first hiring approach. They prefer specific skills and characteristics, rather than a particular course of study.

Your strengths have been built through a variety of experiences:

  • Classroom learning
  • Team projects
  • Clubs & organizations
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Athletics & club sports
  • Greek Life
  • Internships
  • Volunteer experiences
  • Part-time jobs
  • And more!