Faculty Recruiting Support CICS

News & Events

May 07, 2013
The UMass Amherst School of Computer Science hosted a social gathering for UMass Amherst CS alums at Microsoft's Bellevue, WA facility. Over 40 people attended. It was great to see so many alums from the west coast. More details.
May 06, 2013
Nearly 100 people attended the Fifth Annual Outstanding Achievement and Advocacy Awards Banquet held on Friday, May 3, 2013. OAA award winners: Laura K. Dillon, Wayne W. Duso, Arthur I. Karshmer, Rakesh (Teddy) Kumar, Jennifer Neville, Aaron St.... more
April 23, 2013
Distinguished Professor Jim Kurose received the IEEE INFOCOM 2013 Achievement Award "for seminal contributions in the design, analysis, modeling and measurement of computer networks and their protocols, and for impactful service and educational... more
April 11, 2013
Associate Professor Yanlei Diao is the recipient of the 2013 CRA-W Anita Borg Early Career Award. The award was established to recognize a woman in computer science and/or engineering who has made both significant research contributions while also... more
April 10, 2013
Akshat Kumar's dissertation was selected as a runner-up for the IFAAMAS-12 Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award. The award recognized outstanding dissertations in the area of Autonomous Agents or Multiagent Systems completed in 2012. A... more
April 09, 2013
Associate Professor Gerome Miklau and PhD student Chao Li received the Best Paper Award at the 2013 International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT) for their paper "A Theory of Pricing Private Data". The award was shared with co-authors Daniel Li... more
April 08, 2013
Associate Professor Deepak Ganesan and graduate student Moaj Musthag received the Best Paper Award at the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems for "Labor Dynamics in a Mobile Micro-Task Market."
April 05, 2013
Associate Professor Emery Berger and CS alums Nilanjan Banerjee (Ph.D. '09) and Shaun Kane (M.S. '05) received Microsoft Research Software Engineering Innovation Foundation (SEIF) 2013 Awards. SEIF awards support academic research in software... more
February 26, 2013
To recognize the remarkable accomplishments of graduates of the School's degree programs and to acknowledge the support of important friends of the school, the School established the University of Massachusetts Amherst School of Computer Science... more
February 13, 2013
The Winter 2013 Significant Bits newsletter is now available.  View now. The newsletter was being mailed to alums and friends on February 8th. If you would like to be added to the mailing list for the print version, send email to bits@cs.umass.edu.
February 12, 2013
The School of Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst is offering open, online courses to anyone interested in learning about computer science topics. Courses are offered for free on a non-credit basis, and run in tandem with on-... more
February 12, 2013
The Center for Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere (CASA) was highlighted on the National Science Foundation Discovery site: "New Radar System Provides Earlier Severe Weather Alerts." Along with a number of others, CS Distinguished... more
February 08, 2013
Lori A. Clarke, Professor and CS Chair
February 08, 2013
The Department of Computer Science is now the School of Computer Science. On December 11th, 2012, the UMass Amherst Faculty Senate officially ushered in a new era, voting to approve the transformation of the Department of Computer Science into the... more
February 07, 2013
The School's faculty are embarking on many exiting new projects and collaborations. A few are highlighted below.
February 07, 2013
As we each move through the physical world, and interact in the digital world, our activities leave digital traces. When these traces are combined with the traces of others, they form valuable data sources that can be used to advance scientific... more
February 07, 2013
Thanks to a generous initial contribution by Emeritus Professor Allen Hanson and his wife Joan, a new graduate student scholarship has been created to recognize the contributions of Emeritus Professors Edward Riseman and Hanson. Once endowed, the... more
February 06, 2013
Professor Edwina Rissland retired in December after a thirty-three year career as faculty at UMass Amherst Computer Science. Her research interests include case-based reasoning (CBR), artificial intelligence (AI), legal reasoning, CBR and... more
February 06, 2013
Alum Research Focus: Amy McGovern Improving the understanding and prediction of severe weather through spatiotemporal data mining
February 06, 2013
Professor Prashant Shenoy, along with researchers Chris Hill of MIT, Claudio Rebbi of Boston University, and Gene Cooperman of Northeastern University, recently received a grant from the National Science Foundation's Major Research Instrumentation... more
February 06, 2013
During the UMass Amherst Faculty Convocation held in September, Chancellor Kumble R. Subbaswamy presented Professor Andrew McCallum with the 2012 Chancellor's Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Research and Creative Activity.  McCallum was one... more
February 06, 2013
Professor Rod Grupen and UMass Amherst Communication Disorders researchers have teamed up to explore whether a personal humanoid robot may help people recovering from stroke by delivering therapy, such as word-retrieval games and arm movement tasks... more
February 05, 2013
At the College of Natural Sciences (CNS) State of the College event held in September, Dean Steve Goodwin announced that Professor James Allan is a recipient of the CNS 2012 Outstanding Advisor Award. Allan was recognized for his five-year term as... more
February 04, 2013
Faculty News Hava Siegelmann was promoted to full professor and Rui Wang was promoted to Associate Professor. Kevin Fu, Yannis Smaragdakis, and David Smith were appointed as adjunct faculty members.
February 04, 2013
In the Northeast Regional Preliminary Contest of the 2012 ACM International Collegiate Programming Competition, one of the UMass Amherst Computer Science teams placed second, qualifying them for the regional finals.
February 04, 2013
Associate Professor Ramesh Sitaraman and collaborators at Akamai conducted the first large-scale study of its kind to quantitatively demonstrate how video stream quality causes changes in viewer behavior. "Anyone who provides online video content,... more
February 03, 2013
Rebecca "Becky" Bryan, a freshman computer science undergraduate student at UMass Amherst, was a 2011-2012 winner of the Massachusetts Aspirations in Computing Affiliate Award (MACAA) and a runner-up of the National Center for Women &... more
February 01, 2013
Computer Science undergrad Daniel Stubbs was selected for the Computing Research Association's (CRA) 2014 Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award and also honored as 2013-2014 UMass Amherst Rising Researcher.
January 15, 2013
Computer Science Research Associate Professor R. Manmatha received a one-year grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support the development of software and techniques for scholars in the humanities to use in processing large corpora of... more
December 18, 2012
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), recently announced that CS alum Lixin Gao (Ph.D. '97) has been named an ACM Fellow for contributions to network protocols and internet routing. She is a Professor of Electrical & Computer... more
November 27, 2012
CS Professor Prashant Shenoy and CS Alum Matthew Dwyer (PhD '95) have been named a 2013 IEEE Fellows. Shenoy is being recognized for contributions to the design and analysis of distributed systems and computer networking. Dwyer, Henson Professor of... more
November 15, 2012
Building on its success in drawing more women and under-represented minority students to study computer science at Massachusetts public colleges and universities over the past five years, the Commonwealth Alliance for Information Technology... more
November 15, 2012
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and Lieutenant Governor Timothy Murray joined university leaders and technology executives in November to cut the ribbon on the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC). The new Center will... more
November 09, 2012
CS Alum Matthew Rattigan (Ph.D.
October 30, 2012
Associate Professor Emery Berger and co-authors Benjamin Zorn and former UMass Amherst CS professor Kathryn McKinley were chosen as the recipients of the ACM Special Interest Group for Programming Languages (SIGPLAN) Most Influential Paper Award for... more
September 06, 2012
Associate Professor Ramesh Sitaraman's research on an energy-efficient cloud system is described in the following: Batteries should be part of the Internet Infrastructurehttp://gigaom.com/cleantech/batteries-should-be-part-of-the-future-of-internet-... more
August 05, 2012
Professor Sridhar Mahadevan and alum Satinder Singh (Ph.D. '94; Professor at the University of Michigan) organized a Celebratory Workshop for Andrew Barto's Research in Reinforcement Learning. The event was held in the department on July 6-7, 2012... more
January 14, 2012
Jane Yolen has created a new scholarship in loving memory of her husband, Emeritus Professor David Stemple. Once endowed, the fund will provide an annual David W. Stemple Scholarship in Computing to a first-year graduate student, with priority given... more
December 14, 2011
Professor Emeritus Wendy Lehnert retired in September 2011 after a twenty-nine year career as faculty in the UMass Amherst Department of Computer Science.
December 14, 2011
Distinguished Professor Emeritus Victor Lesser retired in September 2011 after thirty-four years of service within the Department of Computer Science at UMass Amherst. While Lesser is now officially retired, he still continues to direct the Multi-... more
October 05, 2010
Chancellor Robert Holub presented Professor Leon Osterweil with the Chancellor's Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Research & Creative Activity during the sixth annual UMass Amherst Faculty Convocation held in October. He was recognized... more
December 15, 2009
The department's faculty are embarking on many exciting new projects. A few are highlighted below.
June 09, 2009
Lee Osterweil, Lori Clarke, and Norman Sondheimer of the Computer Science Department, along with Legal Studies Professor Ethan Katsh, organized and hosted a workshop on "Dispute Resolution in a Connected Health Care World" in May in Washington, D.C... more
June 06, 2009
As part of the 2008-2009 Distinguished Lecture Series, the Department selected prominent researchers from academia and industry. Jack Wolf, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, San Diego spoke on "The... more
June 05, 2009
The first New England Undergraduate Computing Symposium (NEUCS), held at Wellesley College in Wellesley, Massachusetts, brought together nearly 100 students and faculty from the region, and set a high bar for subsequent events, according to Tim... more
April 27, 2009
Professor Andrew McCallum was elected as a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) "for significant contributions to the theory and application of information extraction, natural language processing, data... more
April 26, 2009
Andrew McGregor joined the Department as an Assistant Professor in January. His research interests are in algorithms for processing massive data sets and data streams; computing with noisy or incomplete data; clustering; communication complexity;... more
April 24, 2009
The UMass Amherst Center for Teaching (CFT) named Assistant Professor Deepak Ganesan as a Lilly Teaching Fellow for the 2009-2010 academic year. Lilly Fellows are selected on the basis of their promise in teaching and research, their interest in... more
April 10, 2009
Graduate students Jacqueline Kenney and Benjamin Ransford have received 2009 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships, and Henry Feild received Honorable Mention in the competition. The Graduate Research Fellowship provides three... more
October 15, 2008
The Department is very saddened to report that Professor Paul E. Utgoff died on October 11, 2008 at the age of 57 due to complications from surgery that he elected to undergo as part of his battle against appendiceal cancer. Professor Utgoff joined... more
January 01, 2008
Professor Emeritus Edward M. Riseman died at the age of 64 on February 26, 2007 at his home in Leeds, MA.
January 02, 2007
In Memoriam Professor Emeritus David W. Stemple (1937 - 2006) Professor Emeritus David W. Stemple passed away at the age of 68 on March 22, 2006 after a long battle with cancer. "David was a great colleague and good friend, and we will miss him... more
January 01, 2007
In Memoriam Professor Emeritus Robin Popplestone, 1938 - 2004 Professor Emeritus Robin John Popplestone, one of the early pioneers in Robotics and Computer Programming Languages, died on April 14, 2004, in Glasgow, Scotland after a 10 year battle... more
